Since becoming an Eco School at the start of this academic year, International School Breda has been working tirelessly on initiatives to make the school more sustainable, and recently has been awarded the Eco School’s Bronze Certificate, the first step towards securing the prestigious Green Flag.
By MC van Zundert, Secondary Science Teacher and Eco Schools Coordinator at International School Breda
Since our school’s transformation into an Eco School our dedicated Eco Team, with the support of the whole school community, have succesfully implemented the folllowing initiatives;
- Reduced our overall paper consumption
- Impremented recycling measures,
- Adjusted the thermostat during the winter months
- Organising a pre-loved market and toy-swap
- Engaged in seeds and tree activities,
- Conducted litter-picking in the local neighbourhood
- Held our first-ever Sustainable Prom
- and various other initiatives across the school which have focused on the themes of Nature
Many of these will be carried over to the next school year(s) to ensure that sustainability becomes second nature not just at school but in our everyday lives.

Celebrating “Green Day”
We are so proud of our students, their creativity and ability to think out of the box when planning and implementing the initiatives we have carried out this year. They have come up with some fantastic ideas, produced some colourful posters and funny but meaningful videos, which has brought our sustainable initiatives to life, captivating our entire school community as well as the wider public.
To round off this very successful year, the Eco-Team held a “Green Day” at ISB to celebrate our Bronze Certificate. In order to raise the profile of the Eco-Team and our sustainability goals, ISB Students and Staff were asked to wear something green to school. Everyone was offered an ice cream in recognition of the school’s achievement and in keeping with one of this year’s focus areas – waste – the lolly sticks were preserved with a view to recycle for science/craft projects, further emphasising our dedication to recycling.
A huge well done to the Eco Team for their fantastic efforts and their hard work this year and for inspiring the whole school. We hope that even more students will join the team next year and volunteer their time for this worthy project and together create a brighter, more sustainable world.