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Koningsspelen at International School Eindhoven

All Dutch International Schools will be celebrating and sharing Dutch traditions, such as the King’s Birthday. Every primary school in the Netherlands will organise, Koningsspelen, a day of sports & games. At International School Eindhoven they celebrated Koningsspelen on 17 April. The school was a sea of orange with students, teachers, and parent volunteers all dressed up to celebrate the royal day!    

By Vicky McKenzie & Karishma Vij, primary teachers at International School Eindhoven

There were a host of different sports and workshops arranged for the different age groups. Team games like curling, ultimate frisbee and dodgeball kept the children on their toes.  Good use was made of the gyms for the inside games and others were outside on the field, where the bouncy castles also kept the children moving (and jumping with joy

Some quieter moments were provided by artistic activities.The younger ones showcased their creativity by making shadow art, whilst the Group 5 and 6 students painted over 200 canvasses with the colours of the Dutch flag. These will be mounted on a wall in school, to represent the ISE contribution to Kings Day.

‘Minute to win it’

With treasure hunts, escape rooms, dancing and ‘minute to win it’ also in the mix, the whole day was packed with fun-filled activities.  At the end, the children enjoyed a warm stroopwafel and a drink provided by the Parents’ Committee – a sweet conclusion to an exciting and memorable day!

Dutch culture & tradition

The King’s games were a great way to welcome Spring and the perfect opportunity  for the children to learn about Dutch culture and traditions. King’s Day in the Netherlands is celebrated on 27 April. Happy Birthday King Willem-Alexander!

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